Sunday, April 24, 2022

Pandemic Diaries - Year 3, Month 2 - The Spoon

24 April 2022


Several people asked for photos of the Arizona spoon, so here it is.  I love the dark ring in the bowl of the spoon - so gorgeous to see the grain of the wood like that!  (It's made from mesquite, so it really is an Arizona spoon!)


And I was invited to come over and start making my own spoon - so I'll make arrangements to do that this week, since I'm nearly finished with my packing.


I think a matched-ish set of Arizona spoons would make a lovely remembrance!  Great for serving salad and such.


If you'd like to look at more of his work, or even buy something, you can find our new friend at his website:  (He makes amazing flutes!)




  1. Love it!!!! Enjoy that beauty!!

  2. Lovely spoons. Mesquite trees are abundant here in Central Texas. I recently purchased a handmade cedar + pecan + turquoise pen for myself since all three elements hold fond memories for me.

  3. Love the spoon!
