What a wonderful decision that turned out to be!
As with much of

Anyway, the Church of the

In our five days here, we've seen people attending church, as well as a wedding one evening. People hang out in the plaza, and at

It's energetic, it's a little crazy, it's the heart of our neighborhood.

We're surrounded by the

So, a little history:

Cartagena de Indias

Anyway, this area, the oldest part of the city, has the original (or rebuilt) walls that surrounded the city. They were built in

The total length of the current wall is about 4 km (2.4 or so miles), with about sixteen turrets or gun

There are several lagoons that separate the old city from the mainland, although there's a long sandy peninsula that is attached to the old city. This is now the area full of high-rise residences and hotels, as well as full of beaches - probably the more posh part of the city.
We spent Sunday wandering around on top of a section of the wall, with views of the Caribbean Sea, and a restaurant up on top. I tried to climb into one of the open turrets, but the single step was knee-high on me, and I ended up scraping my arm on the old coralstone.
At the town center area of the old wall is the Torre del Reloj, the clocktower monument, a wonderful yellow geometric stacked tower. This tower was built in the 1800s, so some 200 years after the wall was built. This area is the Plaza de Los Coches, which was the old slave trading area. Unfortunately, because Cartagena was such a major port during the colonial era, it became Spanish America's biggest port for bringing in African slaves. The slave trade was abolished in 1851, but places like the Plaza de Los Coches remain to remind us.
In addition to the Church of the Holy Trinity, we found all kinds of churches and cathedrals. Many date from the 1700s. The Spanish brought the Inquisition to the New World and forcibly converted the indigenous populations, so they needed places of worship. (One of the museums is the former Palace of the Inquisition. Really, that is posted in huge letters on the wall outside. I'm not sure if anyone is proud of this, or maybe taking responsibility for these horrible actions is part of someone's idea of repentance. I don't know, nor do I understand how or why humans can treat each other this way. We really have a horrible history of how we treat people unlike ourselves. But I digress.)
There are also several theatres in the old city, beautiful sprawling buildings with performances throughout the year. We've been checking the English language newspaper to see what might be performed while we're here, and of course I'll try to get photos of the interior(s).
We've found a variety of plazas around the city, with fountains and statues and monuments to those who are honored - the Plaza of Martyrs, where heroes and heroines of the battle for independence were hung; the Plaza of the Proclamation, where people gathered in 1811 to endorse the Declaration of Independence; the modern convention center, with several statues of Pegasus donated by the artist, Hector Lombana Piñeres.
There are also small vendors' markets around the city with gorgeous colorful handicrafts. Shopping bags, handbags, hair and hat ornaments, HATS!, mobiles, a rainbow of knickknacks scattered across blankets on the sidewalk, or draped over a parked bicycle. The beadwork produced here is incredible, and I'll try to get some photos. And ladies dressed in colorful traditional skirts and turbans, selling fresh fruit by the plate.
And the door knockers! Wow, I could probably fill an entire blog with just the door knockers we see as we walk around! Lots of lions, batches of lizards, the occasional human or angel, and some sea creatures tossed in for variety. I find them fascinating!
Mostly we've been getting to know the city and our way around, and chatting with various locals we meet as we explore. Plenty of opportunity to practice our Spanish and learn new words. We're beginning to figure out where we'd like to visit, and how long we might be here.
It's a beautiful and interesting city, and we'll just enjoy Cartagena until we move on.