August 9,
apologies to friends and family who have tried figuring out where we
are via the blog - the VIA Rail Canada system advertizes free wifi on
all the trains, but apparently the free wifi isn't on the train trip
from Vancouver to Toronto. We're now in Toronto, with wifi - so I'm
trying to catch up. This is the first of our catch-up blogs, so watch
for blogs to follow and bring us up to date.
We had a
great four day weekend in Seattle, enjoying time with friends as well as trying
to see the city through the eyes of being a tourist. Not that it’s easy to be a tourist in a place where one has
lived, but if we try to notice small details, it makes it easier.
So Pike
Place Market, the public market, is always a tourist draw, with the beautiful
produce from nearby farms; gorgeous flowers arranged in unexpected colour
schemes; fish from Elliott Bay and all over Puget Sound; hand-made chocolates
that were wonderful (check out the Chocolate
Market on Post Alley, with
chocolates made locally by Gosanko,
); a variety of baked goods ranging from Chinese bao to French croissants and
clafoutis to chewy breads and lovely scones to the world’s best cinnamon
buns. (The most difficult part is
settling on one item and sticking to that.)

And of
course a Seattle landmark, the
original Starbucks storefront. Which has become something of a tourist
mecca, full of visitors taking selfies in front of the famous green sign. Yup, this is one of the ways we can
tell Seattlites from visitors – real Seattlites no longer go to the Pike Place
Starbucks because it is too full of coffee-wannabes. We’ll get our coffee and beans just about anywhere and
everywhere else. And laugh at
everyone lining up to take their photo or go inside, thinking this is some
place important. (Because to us,
it really isn’t.)

My brother
figured out the hose drainage thing for the freezer, and bought the connector
thingies. Richard and I bagged all
the frozen items from the freezer and he managed to cram everything into the
garbage can the morning of garbage pick up. (Garbage is picked up only every other week in Bellingham,
though recycling is picked up every week.)
Anyway, we
hooked up the hoses,
turned off the freezer, and I cleared out all the
containers that have been in the freezer since, well, probably a good seven
years. Seriously. There were things like yogurt
containers with two bites of something.
Or a half cup of chicken soup.
Or a small piece of cake and ice cream. Things that had been in the plastic container for so long
that the container was discoloured.
Containers of freezer jam that had been in the freezer so long they were
dried out and almost solid pectin and crystallized sugar.

All this
food – the frozen meats, the partly used jars, the tiny bits of food saved –
were thrown out, either in the trash or down the garbage disposal. Containers went into the dishwasher and
then recycle bins. And much as I
hate to waste food, there was no way to tell if anything was good or not. In fact, nothing looked like it was
good anymore. The meat probably
had freezer burn. The small items
were barely recognizable. Nothing
could be salvaged. Plus there was
something frozen into the ice on the top shelf, that couldn’t be pulled out,
couldn’t be identified, and only was recognizable as ice packs when all the ice
was melted and drained away.

All that
wasted food from the freezer, juxtaposed with the fun of going
through 60+
years of family photos, and almost 100 years of extended family photos – what a
contrast! The photos recorded
family history and memories; some of them were my own memories, some of them
were other people’s memories but I could recognize who they were, what the
event was, why it was important.
The photos and papers recorded living life, going to events, celebrating
milestones, and saving mementos of lives well-lived. The freezer?
That represented everything that was saved and not savoured, but rather
set aside for later and then forgotten.
Everything that was missed, for one reason or another.

otherwise, someone else will be taking those little bits of unlived life and
throwing them away.
Dear Phoebe and Richard! I came across your blog today while researching for vintage train journeys and I absolutely love whatever I have read on your blog so far. I am writing to you because I run a soon-to-be-launched travel startup which seeks to translate beautiful experiences like yours in a format which other travellers can easily search for and execute while planning their trips. I would love to speak to you on this further, so do let me have your email id or drop me a line at Looking forward to hearing from you, thank you :)