But Malaysia also has the trishaw. In KL, trishaws tend have a front end like a rickshaw, where the guests would sit. The back end, for the driver, is like a bicycle,

Melaka has perfected the trishaw, which is more like a rickshaw sidecar attached to a regular bicycle. And then

The trishaws are also fitted out with sound systems - some are speakers attached to either an MP3 player or a cell phone; others are old-fashioned CD players or radios hooked up from a platform on the back of the trishaw. At any rate, raucous music blares from every single trishaw. A different song playing from every single trishaw pedalling down the road. So that there's a constant cacophony of pop or old rock music as the flower-covered, butterfly topped, Hello Kitty covered trishaws scoot by.

They are hysterical! Hilarious! Beautiful and quirky and funny and colourful and just, well, funny!
I fell in love with Melaka's trishaws. I couldn't get enough photos. Photos of

One night, walking around, I found a house or shop full of trishaws - I asked the man who seemed to live there if they were his trishaws, and he said yes. I then asked if he made them? He said yes. I asked if I could photograph them. He said yes. So, there's a chance he didn't understand all of my questions and just answered yes. There's an equal

Of course we had to try a trishaw. Which was even funnier than they look.
The seat is small. It will fit two

We managed, but we were squished, and

Plus the Hello Kitty dolls in back of me kept kicking my hat off my head.
Our driver put on "Stand By Me" and Richard and I sang

And we had a great view of the other side of the trishaw.
Whole lotta pink, isn't it?
And the following day, after a long day of walking and sightseeing, our trishaw driver recognized us and volunteered to drive us back to our hotel. For another 30 ringgits, of course.
But for a pink Hello Kitty trishaw ride, it was well worth it!
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