To all of that, he beamed at me and said, "Oh, so you're a bon vivant!!"

But yes, that was the highlight of my week.
So, I finally want to write about the odd pet cemetery here in

You know that Wordsworth poem that begins "The world is too much with us"? These days, it seems that death

People are dying

So yes, Death is on our minds.
This time perhaps

But back in 1918,

So, the Clara-Glenn Pet Cemetery is here in Linwood, New Jersey, just a few blocks down from our BIL and SIL. There's a big sign along the main road, and a side road that ends in a residential cul de sac.
The house and huge back yard once belonged to Clara and Glenn White. (Hence the name - and sometimes Glen is spelled with one N, sometimes two.) Apparently Clara and Glenn were animal lovers, with over 300 rabbits, dozens of cats, and 40-something dogs (according to the Atlas Obscura, which is a wonderful book of oddities such as this place).
Clara and Glenn couldn't find a pet cemetery, they had a huge property, and eventually they began to bury their pets out in the back. After a while, friends wanted to bury their pets in this graveyard. And voila, they had a pet cemetery.
Picture Atlantic City in the 1920s and 1930s. Various performers starred in shows there, perhaps vacationing for a few weeks. They'd bring their pets along. Some pets were stars in their own right. So yes, the pets of people like Irving Berlin and Eddie Cantor are buried here. Rex the Wonder Dog (of waterskiing fame) is buried here. Petey, the dog from "Our Gang," is buried here. Some dog named Paradiddle Ben, another star, has a gravestone that looks like a small theatre!
Yes, it's a little crazy. Maybe it's 100% crazy.
But at the same time, it truly speaks to human attachment to all things cute and furry or feathered. Or possibly finned, there are several "Bubbles" headstones.
Really, the whole thing is very sweet and loving. The words on the gravestones attest to the love people have for their pets, and how the animals fill a human need for companionship and nurturing.
Lest you think only the rich and famous buried pets here, the original owners and the next owners, Alex and Agnes Miller, made cement paving stones as markers for people who couldn't afford carved headstones for their little pets. These cement markers have the names of the pets engraved in the cement, I would guess possibly with the use of plastic letters as part of the mold. The markers are lined up throughout the cemetery, marking the graves of these loved non-human friends that were family members in less well-known, less affluent circumstances.
How sweet is that? I've included several here, because I really like the fact that the owners wanted to be sure anyone could bury their loved pets here, even for free.

Not all the animals buried here are pets, nor even stars. (Although rumor has it that some of the diving horses from the Atlantic City Boardwalk shows are buried here as well.)
There are a few military dogs who were buried at Clara-Glenn, after their military service. One dog, Baron Atkinson, even has his gravestone written partly in German.
I'm not sure about Martini Drouet - he may have been a military dog, or possibly the pet of a Marine. The "Semper Fideles" made me wonder about him. I know, he also could have been the dog of a Latin professor, who knows.
The Atlantic City police dogs are buried here, with a huge stone commemorating their names and years. A few smaller stones mark individual dogs, like Duke. But the entire K-9 unit is now together at the far end of the cemetery. And burials were stopped in the late 1980s, although police dogs continue to be buried here.

There are a few la-di-dah dogs whose pedigrees are permanently engraved on their tombstones. No idea if these

So, I'll add some photos of rather funny names, and let you picture these pets in your imagination. Is Kiltie a

There were popular names, such as the names based on color or coat of the animal: Boots, Bootsy, Mitten, Cocoa, Whitey, White Boy,

Other popular names had to do with behavior, size, and most likely breed of dog:

But I really liked the various sweet sayings that some people had carved on their loved

So, a list of popular sayings,

Loved by all
Loved by everyone
Forever loved
Love and loyalty
Years of joy
You will always be in our hearts
Until we meet again
The purity of
your heart is engraved on time....
He who lives in the hearts of those he left behind is never dead.
Faithful friend
Faithful little pal
Friend and pal
Faithful to the last

Our faithful and devoted dog
A swell dog
My pal
Our baby - Our little girl - Our boy - Our bestest boy
Signed by Mommy and Daddy or Mama

Some dogs sported all kinds of royal names, with King and Queen, Duke and Duchess, Prince, Princess, Baron and Baroness.

Loved by everyone
Forever loved
Love and loyalty

You will always be in our hearts

The purity of

He who lives in the hearts of those he left behind is never dead.
Faithful friend

Faithful little pal
Friend and pal
Faithful to the last

A swell dog
My pal
Our baby - Our little girl - Our boy - Our bestest boy
Signed by Mommy and Daddy or Mama

Some of the headstones once had either photos of the pets encased in glass and mounted on the stones, or some had enamel miniature paintings 
attached. Visitors to the cemetery began to steal some of these miniature works of art or the photos - the historical society started to remove these for storage and display at the museum. You can see the round metal where something was removed; sometimes just a shadow or slight indentation is the only
hint that there was
once an image of this beloved pet.

I know, we all assume that our wonderful pets will go immediately to
Heaven, how could they not? They were the bestest dog or cat or hamster who ever lived.

Now, I understand this. I bought my cat Daphne eight Chanukah
presents one year. I've always maintained that you can tell that cats are Jewish because there isn't any pork cat food. Right?

But of course, I've always said
that in a somewhat facetious way, laughing at myself. Because I realize that I'm anthropomorphizing my cat, and that she most likely doesn't care one way or the other. As long as she's fed, has a soft place to sleep, and plenty of toy mousies to chase.

So I find the religious symbols on pet gravestones equally amusing. I know that the family has their religious beliefs, and they assume that their pet, as part of that family, is part of that belief system.
But if it provides comfort for someone to know, in their heart, that their perfect dog or cat Susu or Bonbon is Jewish or Catholic or Hindu, well, who am I to say they're wrong?
It still amuses me.
So yes, a few more St. Francises, one who lost his head to a weed whacker.
I should add that these religious gravestones were mixed in with all the others - there was no religious separation at this cemetery.
Then we have the full statues of pets. Really. These were my favorite, because some of them are really adorable, and show a lot of artistry. This first dog has an internal wire armature, and then molded cement forms this cute
little poodle. It was once painted white, but with little black eyes and a little rosy pink tongue painted in. How cute is that? And what a lovely monument to someone's beloved poodle.
I have no idea if this was sculpted specifically for this doggie's gravestone, or if someone in the area was making animals in
cement sculpture. There didn't seem to be an actual gravestone nearby, just the cement marker saying "Gigi." But you'd think that if someone could
afford a sculpture of their dog, they could also purchase a stone. Who knows, maybe a replica of their little dog was enough, and they were happy to have just a little name marker. Cute doggie though, right?
There were a few random sculptures that may or may not be pet related. I'm not sure if these are a mama and baby deer, or possibly donkeys. Not exactly realistic, but close enough to look like some kind of animal. Again, no name, no marker, just a small sculpture in honor of a pet.
There were several cement cats, also once painted but now a bit chipped and eroding. No names, no markers, just cats waiting patiently in the grass.
And then we have the really fancy pet sculptures, carved in stone or possibly in cement, I'm not sure. Complete with the people's names, and a long quotation about the loyalty of dogs. Yeah, this dog is a little too realistic for me. And between the scattered cats and this very realistic dog, well, it brings to mind the ancient Egyptians, with mummified animals in with the pharaohs, as well as some of the statues of their gods. Bastet, the female goddess of home, domesticity, fertility, birth - represented by a cat, or a woman with a cat head. And Anubis, god of the afterlife, represented by a man with a dog head.
In this cemetery, they make much more sense than they did in art history classes.

We have one rather sad cat who seems to be contemplating its own gravestone, or who perhaps is missing its people as much as they miss their loving cat.
Another random contemplative cat, and then, quite odd, a frog. A vaguely human-like frog, standing and smiling at people as they walk by. I expect that
some child had a
pet frog who is now buried here, and the parents found a little garden statue of a frog to mark the grave and appease their grieving child. I had to take photos of the front and back of this frog, because from the front he could be a turtle or some other cheerful reptile or amphibian.
There were several headstones with carved lambs or sheep on top, and several with a bas relief lamp carved into the front. I have no idea if these really are pet lambs, although the one named "Lambie" very likely is indeed a lamb. These
possibly were the closest the stone cutter could get to a poodle. My other thought is that lambs symbolize innocence and purity, especially in Christian faiths - perhaps lambs on gravestones
are available for children's headstones. Yes, I know these are morbid thoughts. But in art, we deal with symbolism and iconography, and the multitude of lambs on gravestones in a pet cemetery led me to think that possibly
this was a rather common headstone decoration. So, well, either a bunch of lambs or buried here or lamb stones are easy to find.
I think the rest of the sculpture photos need little narrative.

Some of the artwork on the gravestones, and some of the pet names, we definitely of their time period.
For anyone under about age 50, "My Little Margie" was a popular TV show in the 1950s. Yes, this pet was named that before the show, but who knows, maybe the show was named
for this pet.
"Dennis the Menace" was originally a comic strip, beginning in 1951. Then it became a TV show in 1959.
And of course, the most famous person named Bing was Bing Crosby - I can't imagine a better person to represent the years that Bing the pet lived than Bing the singer.
There were a couple of pets named Buster - possibly after Buster Keaton the silent movie actor, but more likely after Buster Brown shoes, which every child wore in my generation. Buster Brown and his bullldog named Tige (and Buster's sweetie MaryJane) date back to a comic strip that began in 1902 - they were "adopted" for the shoe company in 1904. Definitely part of the first half of the 20th century.
And then there are gravestones that just look like the art styles of that time period. Some are reminiscent of book covers of that era, others look something like the architecture. Really. Look at the very geometric and linear designs of the Art Deco era:

Some families have either groups of headstones for individual pets, and some have one gravestone for multiple pets buried here. I don't want to even think about how they managed to do that.

There is even a family fortress for their three dogs! I'm not kidding, I originally thought a horse was buried here, the walled off plot is so huge!

I have no idea if this was sculpted specifically for this doggie's gravestone, or if someone in the area was making animals in

There were a few random sculptures that may or may not be pet related. I'm not sure if these are a mama and baby deer, or possibly donkeys. Not exactly realistic, but close enough to look like some kind of animal. Again, no name, no marker, just a small sculpture in honor of a pet.
There were several cement cats, also once painted but now a bit chipped and eroding. No names, no markers, just cats waiting patiently in the grass.

In this cemetery, they make much more sense than they did in art history classes.

There were several headstones with carved lambs or sheep on top, and several with a bas relief lamp carved into the front. I have no idea if these really are pet lambs, although the one named "Lambie" very likely is indeed a lamb. These

I think the rest of the sculpture photos need little narrative.

"Dennis the Menace" was originally a comic strip, beginning in 1951. Then it became a TV show in 1959.

And then there are gravestones that just look like the art styles of that time period. Some are reminiscent of book covers of that era, others look something like the architecture. Really. Look at the very geometric and linear designs of the Art Deco era:

And then during and after WWII, during both the pre- and post war years on through the baby boom, gravestones became more ornate and flowery once again, with more decorative lettering.

And then there's the theatre for a performing dog! Really, Parradiddle Ben. I never heard of him, but I suspect he pre-dates me. "Show biz was his life and love and thus he lives still." In a gravestone marked "Heavenly Theatre." Excessive, ostentatious, and absolutely over the top. But someone loved this dog and felt Parry deserved this remembrance.
I wanted to add links to a few more articles for those who are interested, and then I'll end with some photos of gravestones that were a bit different and unique. None as wonderful as the sculptures, but interesting.
It was weird, quirky, sad, sweet, morbid, touching, and loving. I have no other way to express it, this pet cemetery
was peaceful and thought-provoking. And at this time in our human history, it definitely is meaningful.
If you are in the
area, it's worth a visit. Just a quiet afternoon in the park, wandering around and saying hello to the animals who once lived here. With plenty of pinecones and sticks for ghostly dogs, and birds or squirrels for both cats and dogs to chase. Even an occasional golf ball.


If you are in the