Days 1 through 3

Las Cruces is a pretty old city, dating back to the mid 1800s. However, Mesilla, a nearby town, is

The towns are located in the Rio Grande basin, in

We drove back and forth across the Rio Grande several times, but the riverbed was bone dry. There are a series of dams on this upper portion of the river so that the water can be used to irrigate the many pecan orchards and chili pepper farms in the region. The water is released based on season, but the area is undergoing a bit of a drought, so the water is still dammed up for now.
On Saturday, we went to downtown Las Cruces for the farmer's market. It was sort of an arts and crafts fair plus the farmer's market, all kinds of fabric items, jewelry, ceramics, and food items for sale as well as beautiful fruits and vegs.
But the highlight for us was a little mariachi trio, two women and one man, playing guitar, drum, and a tambourine, all averaging about 75 or 80 years old. Really, they were adorable! And two of the people had their oxygen tanks nearby - singing at 4,000 ft elevation (1.2 km!) can be kind of rough! There were some other musicians who were better, a few who were worse, but this trio really had so much more personality than everyone else put together!
We also found a great mosaic made of rounded river rocks in various sizes and colors. It actually was a sun dial, though there wasn't the upright or wedge to make the shadow and tell the time. It was a beautiful mosaic, nevertheless.
On Sunday, we had wind advisories. In the morning, we tried to visit the national monument that features fossilized dinosaur tracks, but it turned out that it was a series of trails through the park. None of us were dressed for hiking trails where we might encounter rattlesnakes - we were all in shorts and sandals. So, that will wait until another time with better weather.
We planned to go out in the afternoon and do something else, but the wind picked up until we had a full-fledged dust storm. Not a heavy dust storm, not bad enough to shut down the highways. But enough that walking around outside was difficult, fighting against the sustained winds at 35 miles per hour (56 kph), or with the wind at my back, nearly pushing me into a run or fast jog! Plus all that dust flying around at that speed was like having tiny needles hitting me in the face or any other exposed skin - really hurt! There was also some rain and hail as well as the howling wind. Yeah, it was not good. So it turned into a stay inside kind of afternoon.
My brother's house is near Picacho Mountain, a dormant volcano. The first photo is what the mountain looked like in the morning, before the wind started wailing. The second photo is in the height of the dust storm, when the sky was beige in every direction, and the mountain is barely visible. Just for reference.
Days 4 through 6

T or C, as the directional signs posted, is actually an interesting little

The town was originally called Hot Springs - there's a rift in the Rio Grande river basin here, with geothermal

Many of us remember the

The rest of the year, T or C is fairly quiet. It's a small town with

It's also an artsy sort of town - interesting doors in bright colors, a quail family painted on a retaining wall at a street corner, little things like that. We spent one afternoon wandering around town after a great lunch, just enjoying the ambience.
The river here was fairly small through the town. But the neighboring town, Elephant Butte, is near one of the dams that creates a reservoir of water that is known as Elephant Butte Lake.
I spent this afternoon (Wednesday) driving around Elephant Butte Lake, exploring. There are tons of camping sites for both tents, trailers, and RVs near the lake, some even with little adobe shelters for sun protection. Great views of the lake and the surrounding cliffs and mountains are everywhere - the place is so scenic!
And again, I have to say how really weird it is to see all this water in the middle of a desert!
There's something about a desert that is really wild and elemental, even when the only wild animals we've seen in New Mexico have been rabbits, either lean jackrabbits, or softer and rounder cottontails. But there seems to be the hint of danger, the potential of life and death struggles in this rather barren wilderness.
Maybe it's knowing that if we walk into that vast desert beyond a town, it will be a struggle to survive. There isn't much to eat, there aren't easily accessible streams for water, the relentless sun will beat down on our heads and dehydrate our bodies. There are animals hiding out there that are dangerous - venomous snakes, coyotes, mountain lions, maybe even wolves.
And there's a sense of loneliness in the desert that I haven't experienced anywhere else. A sense of solitariness, of being all alone in an alien environment. Other environments seem to be more nurturing, such as forests, meadows, even beaches - life seems more abundant, more lush, more able to sustain life. There's something about the desert that seems rather malevolent or destructive. Whatever the opposite of nurturing would be.
Days hit about 90 F (32 C), nights can drop to 49 F (10 C). Those animals prowl, slither, creep. It's a harsh environment, unforgiving.
I've been told that the desert is transformative. I'm not sure I agree. I think the desert needs to be respected, but I'm not sure I'm ready to live in it.
We'll travel around this desert for several more days. As we continue to travel without much of a plan, as we continue to explore this corner of the country.