In our previous blog about the

Havasupai people were seasonal nomads.
They farmed in the
canyon during the summer months and hunted and
foraged on the rim during the winter.

have lived on the Colorado Plateau for at least 13,000 years. Cultures changed from nomadic
hunter/gatherers to settled communities linked by trade.
One of the interesting finds housed in the museum is an animal figurine made of split twigs. It really looks like a rather stylized, modern version of a deer or antelope. Just lovely. These figurines have been found mostly in remote caves, with no indication that the caves were used as dwellings.
The signage includes this simple statement: “They had been found in caves not used for living purposes and extremely difficult to reach. Their placement under a rock cairn suggested a special importance ….. I began to realize I was in what had been a ritual cave.” -Douglas Schwartz, Archaeologist (1955)
To give you sort of a timeline and comparison, I'm including a table I copied from the museum. Really fascinating to see the development of human efforts and creations!
in Time
Park Service established in 1916
yrs ago
Puebloans lived at the Tusayan site beginning about 1185 Common Era
yrs ago
used before development of pottery
and arrow replaces atlatl
2,500 yrs ago
Parthenon, Greece
yrs ago
introduced in the Southwest
yrs ago
yrs ago
yrs ago
plow invented in Mesopotamia
yrs ago
spear points used for hunting smaller game
yrs ago
used for hunting in North America
yrs ago
playable flute, China
yrs ago
End of
the Ice Age
yrs ago
spear point
yrs ago
spear point used to hunt large animals
evidence of human presence in the Grand Canyon region
yrs ago
and giant sloths roamed the Southwest

From this site, Humphreys Peak, part of the San Francisco Peaks, is visible, the
highest point in Arizona at 12,633 ft high (3851 m). It is unknown whether the early people viewed this mountain as a spiritual place.

The following information comes from the signage around the ruins:
circular row of stones outlines a kiva (ceremonial room). Various activities took place here, including
storage, ceremonies, rites, and festivals.
Public portions of these ceremonies were usually held in the plaza.
during the occupation of the pueblo, this kiva burned. Rather that rebuild here, another kiva was
built nearby to replace it.
smaller rooms were built for food storage.
Canyon does not bring to mind an agricultural way of life. But Tusayan’s inhabitants raised corn, beans,
and squash, using methods acquired from peoples to the south.
"In this
low-lying wash, Tusayan’s farmers may have planted handfuls of seeds in small
deep holes, then carefully tended their crops.
After harvest a large portion of the food was dried and stored for
winter. Without it, there could be no
wash has changed since prehistoric times.
In historic times, part of it served as a “tank” to water
livestock. Some features in the wash
today relate to these more recent uses."
It's always fascinating to walk through places where people once lived, and try to imagine what their lives were like. Picture these remnants of walls as one or even two-storey buildings, with people dwelling here, cooking, eating, sleeping, living inside these walls, farming these lands, hunting in the forest. And when they left, where did they go? Why did they leave?
As I said, we have some answers, or at least we think we do. But we also always have so many more questions.
There's some information at the Grand Canyon National Park website: www.nps.gov/grca/planyourvisit/visitorcenters.htm

National Park Service website: www.nps.gov/moca/index.htm

The Yavapai call this place “the
home of the protectors of the Yavapai.”
The Hopi refer to it as both Sakaytaka, “place where step ladders are
going up,” and Wupat’pela, for “long, high

We don't know exactly who the people living here were, nor what they called this place. The Spanish named
this region the "La Sierra sin agua" - the hills without water. And then began referring to the indigenous people as the "Sinagua."

"Various Native American nations trace their ancestors to this site. The Hopi, Zuni, Tonto Apache, and
Yavapai have oral histories that include origins in the Montezuma Castle region.

"The community surrounding Montezuma Castle was one of
households – both familial and social units. The Hopi Parrot, Bear,
Water, Cloud, Bearstrap, Bluebird, and Spider clans all have oral
histories about residing at Montezuma Castle. These Hopi clans are
related to one another and travelled together during long migrations.
The Zuni say their ancestors migrated through here as well.

The site definitely has that spiritual, other-worldly feeling that ancient dwellings often hold. Indigenous peoples have cultural beliefs against disturbing places once inhabited by ancestors, and this place definitely is one of those sites where there is a feeling of something beyond ourselves. There is something very special about Montezuma's Castle, beyond the early technology used to build this huge dwelling. Something almost holy and sacred in a non-religious sort of way.
Okay, so why is it called Montezuma's Castle if Emperor Montezuma (more properly Motecuhzoma II) never lived here? Well, the early settlers, European Americans, were fascinated by the Inca, Maya, and Aztec civilizations; as they moved across the Southwest in the 1860s, they gave exotic names to places and sites such as this. Totally clueless, right?
The technology and engineering used is incredible. Keep in mind that at the time this cliff dwelling was built, Europe was in the Medieval period, and most people who were not aristocrats were living in single-storey stone houses with thatched roofs. (Okay, Angkor Wat was built about the same time. But not some 90 to 100 feet (30-33 m) above ground level into the side of a cliff. Seriously, the ingenuity used to build this structure is incredible!)
The Cliff Castle is nestled in a natural alcove in a limestone cliff overlooking Beaver Creek. The builders were able to fit 20 rooms into the shape of this naturally eroded alcove!
The builders used local trees for floor and roof beams, with river cobblestones for the walls. Limestone and mud mortar held together these stones. All walls were eventually covered and sealed with mud plaster, both interior and exterior walls. Small handprints are still visible in the plaster today, leading archaeologists to surmise that women and/or children did the plastering as well as annual patching.
The final Castle has five storeys. FIVE storeys!!! Made of logs, rocks, mud!!! I find this absolutely incredible, especially considering the fact that this wasn't built on the ground but about ninety to one hundred feet (or 30 to 33 meters) above the ground, in sort of an open cave!!!
If you look closely at some of the photos, you can see the original roof beams protruding from the wall just right of the tower. Yes, original beams from about the year 1100!!!
There are small windows and doorways the provided light, but by late afternoon the rooms were fairly dark. It is speculated that each family group living in the Castle had their own room, roughly 140 sq feet (13 sq m) - not very large.
The natural alcove provided quite a bit of protection, and most of what remains today is the original Castle. This is thought to be one of the best-preserved sites from this period!

But imagine this small town with five storey rock buildings using the cliff wall as the back of the
structures, along with a huge adobe structure practically in the air! Absolutely amazing! It must have been quite the sight to see back when this
was a thriving community. And what would people from other communities think when they first arrived and saw people living
in a building high up inside the cliff?? It would almost be like seeing people living in the sky! It still seems that way to this day, as if the Castle is an eagle's aerie built way up into the top of the cliff!

The carved
alcoves and small caves that were carved by humans are referred to as "cavates." Many of these cavates were used as storage areas,
but some were used as dwellings as well. And some cavates were in back of the stone structure that once stood here, creating almost
like cupboards or closets for the inhabitants.

There were other, smaller groupings of buildings along the various rivers and tributaries in the Verde Valley,
some dating back as far as the year 600!!! As I walked along the paths, I could see some carved out squares in the cliffs across the river, apparently
neighboring dwellings! By about 1300, there were roughly 40 small communities in this region.

The people who lived in this community farmed along the river, as well as traded goods they created such as pottery and woven items. Some of the cavates contained pottery shards used by archaeologists to identify the people who lived here as well as groups with whom they traded. Cotton and agave were grown here, the cotton being used to weave garments and blankets, while the agave was used for more durable items such as twine, rope, nets, bags, and even sandals. I would imagine bow strings may have also been made with the agave twine.
At the base of what once was that multi-storeyed stone structure were two stone tools - something like an early grindstone, I think. The slab of stone was curved in the center, with ridges on the two long sides. It looks like it was used as part of a mortar and pestle arrangement - something like corn could be placed in the curve or hollow, and a round or cylindrical stone could be used to grind the corn or whatever into a flour or coarse powder. They weren't labelled, but I've seen similar tools in other museums, so I'm guessing that's how these were used.
Some time around 1400-1450, people began to leave this community. Archaeologists aren't sure what prompted the exodus, but speculate that people chose to join larger pueblos or villages in other parts of the region. The Hopi say that their ancestors purposefully settled and left villages like
Montezuma Castle for a reason, one that involves fulfillment of a
spiritual covenant.
Archaeologists and anthropologists consulted with Hopi and other Native elders who explained that dwellings such as the Cliff Castle were meant to fall down, decompose or erode, and recycle back into the earth. This is part of their tradition of living in harmony with their natural environment.
However, European Americans like to create monuments that are preserved for present and future generations. There is a long tradition of creating and keeping such structures as a record of human history.
In 1906, the Castle became a national monument, and eventually came under the care of the National Park Service. The park has worked to preserve and maintain the structure while allowing visitors to marvel at this feat of human ingenuity and engineering.
Prior to 1951, the park service allowed people to walk through the Castle, but eventually realized the impact that these visitors were having on this fragile site. So the ladders were removed, and access to the cliff dwellings ended.
At the same time, the National Park Service’s Museum Laboratory in Washington DC created a diorama showing what the interior of the Castle looks like, along with furnishings, people, and the various accoutrements of their daily lives.
It really is one of the most amazing human accomplishments I've seen - it isn't a monument to a religion or a deity, as many huge architectural structures are. Nor is this place a monument to kings and leaders and their egos. No, this is a simple dwelling place built to fit into the landscape, and made of natural materials. It was built to look like it grew on this site. And it was meant to eventually return back to Nature and to this site, without being preserved to the people who created it.
But I'm glad it was preserved. Because it is a monument to human imagination, ingenuity, and perseverance. It's a monument to a belief system that honors the natural environment, and reminds us to live in harmony with our surroundings.
There is something truly holy about this place.