I'll back up. We left on Thursday, 13 December, and drove up to the town of Camp Verde, in the Verde Valley.

We arrived Friday

So Saturday morning, we bundled up in multiple layers, and ventured forth. Found the

I could barely speak. And when I went with a simple "WOW," it came out as a whisper - as if

I can't even explain it. This is more than breath-taking, more than mind-boggling, more

As I whispered this tiny WOW,

Our friendly tour guide and driver,

We walked around a bit, and then visited the Yavapai Geological Museum. The view from the museum is incredible, since the building juts out over the Canyon a bit, and there are no trees or people to block the view. The museum also does a wonderful job explaining the origins of the Canyon, and a bit about the history of human interaction with this amazing place.
Eventually we drove on to a couple of scenic viewpoints, with more gorgeous vistas and even a few views of the Colorado River.
We even saw several elk families, mostly mothers and their young, foraging through the snow and nibbling on the grass!!!! No big bucks, but several of the adolescent elk appeared to have the beginnings of antlers on their heads. Oh, interesting note - Heather explained that the elk and deer in the park seemed quite used to humans since we are frequent visitors. But the elk also seemed to try to stay near the human development, having learned that their arch enemy and predator, the mountain lions (pumas!) try to avoid humans. So the elk feel safer around humans, and are willing to tolerate us so they can avoid the mountain lions. (I was hoping to see a puma, of course, but only saw a sign for the pumas.)
All too soon our tour was done. It really was incredible. The price included the Imax movie by National Geographic about the Grand Canyon, so I went to see that. It was more about the human interaction with the Canyon, especially John Wesley Powell, the Civil War veteran who navigated the length of the Canyon through the Colorado River. Impressive exploratory feat given the wooden boats of the late 1800s, but part of the whole westward expansion and concept of Manifest Destiny that seems so hubristic to our more modern way of thinking.
On Sunday, Richard stayed in while I drove the south rim road of the Canyon, from the park entrance to the Desert View Watchtower overlooking the Painted Desert to the east of the Canyon, some 25-30 miles (40-50 km). (Map at the end.) I had a fabulous five hour trip, with a takeaway breakfast and coffee to eat/drink while overlooking those amazing views.
The view actually is much different in the early morning or late afternoon versus mid-day. In the middle of the day, even when there isn't much sunlight, the shadows are fewer and thus the view and perspective are flattened. The Canyon looks less dimensional, and you lose the feeling of depth. The Canyon ranges from 8 miles to 18 miles across (12.8 to almost 29 km), but during mid-day you really don't get that feeling of distance. In the morning, however, the view is so different with the deep purple shadows. You can really see and feel the distance across and the depth down into the Canyon!
I stopped at every single scenic overlook, vista point, museum, and place of interest on the way. If it had a parking lot, even just on the side of the road, I pulled in and got out to see. If there was a road out to a point or outcropping, I drove in and parked. I stopped and saw everything, hiking from end to end at each scenic view point or whatever it was. I didn't want to miss a drop of this experience.

And while it was freezing cold, with snow on the ground and icy areas, I kept thinking that few people get to see the Grand Canyon with snow on the

The ravens of the Canyon became my animal guide. They seemed to magically appear at each stop, and they always seemed to come over and visit me. I finally figured out that they heard me taking my camera out of its little plastic bag, and they hoped the sound meant food. But I prefer to think that they were my animal guides along my trip, a few talking to me in their croaking voice, the others keeping watch to be sure I was safe. At some stops, I was the only human, so my raven friends kept me company. At others, they stayed with me until other humans appeared, and then they flew away. As I said, they became my animal guides, leading me on this adventure.
It was amazing, it was inspiring, it was wonderful.

Elizabeth Jane Colter designed architectural masterpieces
including the Desert
View Watchtower. Blending indigenous
culture with the bedrock of natural environments, she designed
rustic and
evocative structures. Her timeless
architecture can be seen at Hermits Rest at the other end of the south rim. Her designs were influenced by Native American architecture and art."

We were told that she would hike into the canyon basin and
look for petroglyphs and rock paintings by the indigenous people. Ms. Colter wouldn’t destroy and remove extant
structures; but if a dwelling had fallen apart, or part of the rock had fallen
off, she would mark that rock for use in her local structures.
So of course I had to walk around the entire tower and take photos of the petroglyphs and rock paintings that she used in this structure.
And then the interior!!! Ms. Colter asked various Hopi artists to paint the interior of the tower with designs and images symbolic of their culture, and the results are gorgeous. I don't know the stories behind the images, although there are obviously suns, stars, crops, and perhaps ancestors. But the imagery is beautiful whether you know what it means or not.
When Heather, our guide/driver from the day before, was telling me to visit the Desert View Watchtower, I asked if the original inhabitants of the Canyon used the various soils and pigments to paint in caves inside the Canyon. Turns out that some of the people who lived in the Canyon basin were cave dwellers and later on cliff dwellers, hollowing out living spaces right in the sides of the Canyon. And yes, some of these spaces were decorated with paintings using the pigments found in the walls of the Canyon.

The canyon is approximately 1 mile (1.6 km) deep and an average of 10 miles (16.6 km) across. [The width varies from 8 miles (13 km) to

Within the canyon, the Colorado River averages 300 feet (91 m) from side to side.
At 2,600 square miles (6,734 sq km), Grand Canyon is slightly larger than the state of Delaware. At 1,904

Scientific surveys found 1,750 species of plants living in the park, over 90 species

And the Grand Canyon is visible from space! Astronauts look for it every time they go up!!!

So. Hopi
stories tell of coming into this world through a hole in
the sky of the world
below. That opening, the Sipapuni, is
located deep within Grand Canyon. Their stories don't explain the Canyon, just that
their people came into this world through the Sipapuni in the Canyon.

The Hualapai, Havasupai, and Navajo legends tell of a great
flood that swept the lands. The Hualapai tell of a famous hero who used a knife and club to dig a channel for the flood to flow back to the ocean; this huge
channel that he dug is the Grand Canyon, baked solid by the hot sun after the flood waters receded.

Interesting, isn't
it? Flood stories similar to Noah and the ark, although in an entirely different part of the world.

The "long time theory" begins with us needing to think in terms of what the park signage refers to as "deep time."
aside your watch and calendar. Forget
about decades and centuries. Begin to
think in geologic time – “deep time” – thousands of millions of years.
rocks exposed in the canyon formed over thousands of millions of years as the
continental basement shifted and sank, allowing layer upon layer of sediment to
build up.
began about 70 million years ago.
Geologic pressures pushed the rocks above sea level, exposing them to
the forces of erosion. The modern
landscape began to evolve.
"By five
million years ago, the Colorado River had begun carving Grand Canyon. Gathering debris, the river plunged from the
Rocky Mountains toward the Gulf of California.
Rockfalls, landslides, and flash floods reshaped the canyon walls."
So basically, the land everywhere on earth is comprised of deep bedrock. Layers have build up over eons from decomposing plant and animal matter, soil or sand blowing in from elsewhere, sea levels rising and falling, continents and tectonic plates separating and colliding. (And yes, fossilized seashells have been found in some of the layers within Grand Canyon.)
At some point, when this part of the continent was above sea level, the plates beneath the layers of rock lifted - this caused the diagonal strata that we see at the bottom of the Canyon.
Whether it was this shift in earth's crust, or other forces, the Colorado began to flow across this region. The top layers are limestone, which is pretty easily eroded. As that area was washed away by the river, the riverbed became more defined and concentrated. Over time, the river eroded the next layer, and the next, while the walls of rock weathered in storms and eroded or fell - until after some thousands of millions of years, we have the canyon that we see today.
Colorado River is no wider today than it was 5 million years ago. The river cuts down, not out. Its incision triggers tributaries to carve
side canyons in an ever-spreading web of erosion. With enough time and gravity, water dominates
The Colorado River now flows through a granite gorge that it has carved in the basin of the Canyon. Granite is incredibly hard, so the rate of erosion has slowed dramatically.
The rock is divided into three basic groupings:
Rocks – Sedimentary rocks that retain their original horizontal layering.
Rocks – Tilted remnants of sedimentary and igneous rocks, sporadically exposed
beneath the Paleozoic layers.
Rocks – Contorted folds of metamorphic rocks and igneous intrusions in the
depths of the canyon developed from volcanic eruptions and high pressure.
Geologists are unsure why the river turned and began to flow across this area, however. Scientists are also unsure exactly when all of this began. Plus when rock and debris fall into the river, it often is washed out to the Gulf of California, losing the geological evidence that scientists use to develop and prove their theories.
What is truly fascinating, though, is that there is a geological gap in the rock layers. Really. You can easily see the layers of Paleozoic rock in the Canyon - all the whites and reds and terra cotta colors. (What looks almost black turns out to be trees growing on the canyon walls.)
Some 5,000 feet of rock has eroded from the top of Grand Canyon, losing the rock that represents the most recent 270 million years, including the time of the dinosaurs.
Where Paleozoic Rocks rest directly on the Basement Rock, the intervening rock is missing! This contact of Paleozoic on Basement Rock represents a gap of 1,150 MILLION YEARS!!! Can you imagine???? The existing Supergroup Rocks, present in other areas, record some of this missing time. But in other areas, these layers of rock are just gone!!! Geologists call this gap "the Great Unconformity."
Fascinating stuff!!!!
For those of you still reading, a little choice quotation:
“To the
scientist Nature is a storehouse of facts, laws, processes; to the artist she
is a storehouse of pictures…..” -John
The artist Thomas Moran came to the Grand Canyon to accompany John Wesley Powell on his geological survey in 1873. Moran's landscape paintings captured the feeling of power and greatness of the Canyon, and inspired both tourism of the American Southwest as well as pushed Congress to establishing the region's national parks. YAY for the power of art!!!
I also visited the ruins of a Sinagua community, but I will save that for the next blog. This is long enough!
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