And, my youngest brother, sister-in-law, and I went down to Seattle

We had a wonderful time - Midge Ure sang with Ultravox back in the 1980s. (British/Scottish group.) This was

And in the words of my sister-in-law, he is HOT!!!

My brother actually has met him - brother has been doing sound systems since about age 12, he's just a techie sound sort of guy. Ivan specializes in live sound, and works for some big fancy sound system company on product development, testing, and sound system installation and sales. (You can tell that I have only a vague understanding of the technical side of live music performances.) Anyway, so it's always interesting to go to a concert with him, because he'll notice things that most of us don't. For example, I told him I thought the instruments were miked too high and drowning out the vocals, he agreed and pointed out that one backup vocalist's mic was turned off!!! I mean, does everyone notice that some mics never got turned on??? I wouldn't be likely to notice such a thing. At one point, Ivan also tracked some of the sound on his phone, doing some graph of the mix or something.
So, it was a good show for the first half, only because Midge finally stopped asking the sound guy to fix something, and just sang over the instruments. The man has a set of lungs on him!!!
The three of us went to another Midge Ure concert back in 2014 - and of course, I blogged about it. (Richard isn't fond of his music, so he doesn't come along.) Here's the link for anyone who is interested:

He also had his own unique on-stage bit, where he'd pick up the entire mic stand and twirl it like a baton! Seriously, twirling out to the side, over his head, whatever! Teachers and parents in the audience all thinking "OMG, someone is going to get hurt!" Yeah, we're no longer in our 20s or 30s, so our thoughts aren't how cool this is - just the potential for injury!
But for us, Midge really was the highlight of the concert. (And the photos of him are all from the internet - I don't take photos during concerts, it's distracting.)
I found a couple of reviews of Midge Ure - from 2017: http://backbeatseattle.com/2017/02/13/show-review-photos-midge-ure-the-triple-door/
And from 2018: https://www.columbusunderground.com/concert-preview-interview-midge-ure-gw1

My middle brother, Howard, is our person. He gets our mail, scans and emails anything important, deposits any checks, all that "business" stuff that happens in life. So we keep a storage unit in Yakima. This year, I was

(Side note - I often include a bar of soap or two in boxes of clothing - it helps keep things smelling fresh. But I seem to have developed

Anyway, readers and probably puzzled by the photos, and how this relates to our trip to Yakima.
My sister-in-law, Howard's wife, had planned a surprise party for his 60th birthday. Not exactly on the actual date, but close enough. Just a date when friends and family could be there.
And since her husband, my brother, was turning 60, well, it made perfect sense to have a 1960s theme for the party!!!
It was great! Tie-dye fabric for table cloths! Wine bottles filled with water and food dye, with a couple of strands of beads wrapped around, and of course fresh flowers in the bottles! Yummy food, some reminiscent of the 60s (Lipton onion soup mix chip dip, anyone?). And of course the music of the times, from the Beatles and the Stones to Jefferson Airplane and Jimi Hendrix (who is from Seattle, WA!).
Some of us just went into our closets or luggage and pulled out embroidered tops or tie dye tee shirts and jeans. Maybe found some pale pink lipstick, and some fake flowers for a garland.
But others went all out, complete with wigs and clothes from the time.
Yeah, Ivan and Lisa won the prize for the best costumes!!! They actually walked into the room, and I didn't recognize them for a moment! I mean, this is my youngest brother, I was 8 yrs old when he was born! I've known him all his life! And I officiated at Ivan and Lisa's wedding last summer! So you'd think I could recognize both of them, despite the wigs and granny glasses. Nope, it took a moment or two! It really was funny!
It was a wonderful weekend, with a lot of just hanging out with the family, including my now-adult nephew who lives in Yakima, and my niece and her husband (the ones who were married in Hawaii two years ago). Lots of talking and laughing, fueled by all kinds of drinks and way too much food. And the best mint brownies ever.
Then a long drive back through the mountain passes, where it was windy and rainy and dramatic. Couldn't even see the tops of the mountains as we drove by, nor from the rest area once we were through the passes. But hey, at least it wasn't snowy.
We're back in Bellingham, finishing up doctor visits and trying to decide where to next. This week is rainy and chilly, reminding us that we need to move on. By mid-October, this corner of the country will be in full autumn mode. That means daily temps in the 50-60 F (10-15 C), and wet. Rainy. Foggy. Drizzly. And grey. As much as I love this area in summer, once that cold wet grey weather moves in, I need to be gone. We both do.
We're mulling over possible places, and will come to a decision soon. We'll pack our bags, give Ivan the boxes with our cold weather clothes, and we'll be gone.
And that's about it for now. It's been fun, but it's getting time for moving on.