Salvador da Bahia - but sent from Ilhabela on 25 Feb.
February 2017

of us were greeted by several women in beautiful costumes, handing us ribbons
that, we guess, welcome us to Bahia.
Richard was told by one of the women that we’re supposed to
wrap the
ribbon around our wrist, tie the ends in three knots, make three wishes, and
wear the ribbon until it falls off.
Neither of us
have put the ribbons on, but the ladies were colorful and
I’m holding on to my ribbons.

spent our morning in the port terminal, cleaning out our
email inboxes (I had
over 1000 new emails!), and I managed to post four blogs. By afternoon, I was starting to not feel
well, so we went back to the ship. And,
unfortunately, later in the evening I was feeling downright sick, with a
fever. So we finally called the ship’s
medical center, while at sea, and ended up with a medical consultation about 1

was pretty sure my cold had turned into
bronchitis. The doctor was pretty sure I had the
flu. He insisted on testing me for it,
and ugh that was not a fun test. (Sorry,
but I have a major problem with people poking
things into me that don’t belong
there.) Of course, the test was
negative, but I was pressured into taking the meds to treat influenza. On the other hand, I also was given a
broad-spectrum antibiotic, which will treat the nasty bacteria that show up
with the bronchitis, which is why I had a fever.

then I was essentially put in quarantine.
Yup, told I was to be isolated in our stateroom for 24 hours, with
twice-daily room sanitizations (complete with our friendly room steward wearing
a mask and rubber gloves), plus twice-daily visits by the medical staff to take
my temp. Once I went 24 hours without a
fever, the quarantine would be lifted.
I stayed in the room for a day, and we called room service for our meals. (They were delivered by someone wearing a
mask as well.) I had a good book, there
were some movies on tv, and with not feeling great, it was okay. Of course, once I was on antibiotics my fever
disappeared, so today I was released from isolation. And I found out that had I left my room prior
to the official lifting of quarantine, and tried to use my card anywhere on the
ship (entrance to the dining room, any purchases, even in the casino), I’d have
been escorted by security back to my room!
Good thing I was feeling yuck enough to stay in bed!
so I totally missed Ilheus, which turns out to be on the Cacao Coast and is the
chocolate capital of Brazil!!!!! SO
SAD!!!!! How can I possibly continue
living without visiting the chocolate capital of Brazil??? CHOCOLATE!!!! I can’t believe I had to get sick and miss
such a wonderful place! Some people
we’ve met onboard visited, and said it was a cute little town with pretty
buildings. But they never found the
chocolate market. So we might have
missed it as well. Sigh.
having a day at sea today, and I’ve been keeping a low profile. Tomorrow we were supposed to stop in Vittoria
– but the police have been on strike there, and, well, things have been rather
crazy apparently. The cruise company, of
course, keeps on top of the security at all ports, and they’ve been advised to
NOT go to this stop.
So we’ve opted for a safer way of travel at the moment, with a large organization keeping on top of the political situation. Plus the company knows what bad publicity it would be if any of their passengers’ safety or security was threatened. This definitely is a less adventurous way of travelling, but we both felt that given the current state of the country, this was the more circumspect way to go. Discretion being the better part of valor, and all that.
any rate, we’re stopping at Armacao dos Buzios rather than at Vittoria, Buzios
being a beach resort town. It’s supposed
to be a beautiful place, with sandy beaches and aqua water and quaint
shopping. (Shopping seems to be a
primary directive for some of our passengers.)
give it a go, and report back when we can.