We love New York. Can you tell? We tend to stop here when we're in the US - Richard spent years living here, I grew up not far away, and there's just

However, there's always something new and different and exciting happening, plus new

We've been staying in Stuyvesant Town, or Stuy Town - this is sort of a mini city in the city, a housing community consisting of some 100

There's a fountain in the center, and the area is called The Oval. This was the perfect spot for viewing last night's lunar eclipse, we had a fabulous view of the red moon! People shared photos and use of binoculars, we huddled

Anyway, Stuy Town is near

The normal New York thing to do is to walk almost everywhere, so we do that too. Hopefully burning off the calories from those little Italian tarts and all.
Most people, when they think of New York City, picture the steel and glass highrises of midtown Manhattan. But this area, lower Manhattan, is the area that was developed in the 1800 and early 1900s.

So, reunioning. I met up with a friend one day, and we decided to meet at Pete's Tavern. Pete's is an OLD tavern, or pub, dating back

We discussed possibly going to the White Horse Tavern, another old and venerable New York spot. It's history is a bit less cheerful, though - this is the place where the poet Dylan Thomas had his last drink, chugging it down before going out and collapsing on the sidewalk. He was taken to a hospital, but never regained consciousness, and died a few days later. That was just too sad, and we opted to skip the White Horse.
We did, however, walk by the house where Washington Irving lived when he was in the city. He died in 1859, so he never made it to Pete's, even though his home was nearby. Actually, Washington Irving's estate was in Tarrytown, near the Hudson River; this is where I learned to swim as a child. And of course our town, Armonk, was rumored to be where the headless horseman in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" rode his horse, terrifying all the residents. (That's a rumor. The historical fact is that double-agent Major John Andre was captured and taken to Armonk during the Revolutionary War.)
History just seems more alive when you see where these authors lived, or wrote, or just got drunk. I know, not what your English teachers want you to learn, but it's true, it makes these writers so much more real and human and almost alive.
We also walked by St. Mark's in the Bowery, the second oldest church building in Manhattan. It's a lovely old stone church, and where Peter (or Petrus) Stuyvesant is buried. Well, he was buried in a crypt under the family chapel in 1672, this church was later built on that site in 1799. Later, the steeple was added, and the wrought iron fence was constructed later still. The church is still in use - and has been in use consistently since it was first built. St. Mark's in the Bowery is known for being more politically active, participating in social justice campaigns as well as religious worship. Interesting and well-know little church.

Then we had three days focused on family. First we met up with my two nephews, who are wonderful young men and a joy to catch up with. The only down side was that we planned to meet at the Carnegie Deli, and they're still closed due to electrical

I also managed to get a bus to the wilds of the Bronx. (I only say that because that's how Manhattanites tend to feel about what are referred to at the "outer boroughs." Really, the

By now it was Sunday, and we were meeting up with Richard's friends who are former colleagues. (And yes, they are now

We met our friends and did the usual hugging and talking and catching up. A little bit of walking. Stopped for a bite to eat overlooking a street that was blocked by police

As we're sitting there, still talking, the motorcade begins - first,

More cars, more vans, a few more police vehicles and maybe some armored cars. And then all was quiet again.
What I found most interesting, though, was that there was a group of Falun Gong supporters or believers standing on one corner of an intersection, waving flags and handing out literature explaining their persecution under the current Chinese regime. Across the cross street, there was a group of people supporting the PRC, mainland China, waving the red flags and signs denouncing the Falun Gong. And then, across the main street, was a third group with signs about the Falun Dafa - I don't know if this is part of the Falun Gong, or another group. But they were all clustered together, sort of cancelling each other out. And, most likely, waiting for the leader of the PRC to come by so they could either make their anti-government statement or show their political support.
Today we met Richard's old buddy and colleague in Washington Square Park, which is in Greenwich Village. This is on the west side of lower Manhattan, and was well known during the 1940s-50s as home of jazz clubs and beatniks; in the 1960s as home of hippies and the peace movement; and in more modern times, home of artists, alternative lifestyles, and the gay-lesbian-transgender-bi-questioning movement. It's also another old part of the city, filled with interesting shops and good restaurants. And, what I've always found to be odd, the park has the Washington Square Arch at one side, facing Fifth Avenue. This arch is made of local marble but was carved and built in 1889, and is a replica of France's L'Arc de Triomphe. The question of course is WHY?
Turns out it was to celebrate the centennial of George Washington being inaugurated as the first president of the USA. It wasn't a gift from France, like the Statue of Liberty. It was just a grandiose copy. Plagiarism, pure and simple.
That's it for our reunioning. We haven't caught up with everybody, we're having MagicJack issues. But we've been constantly busy, have enjoyed the food and sights and sounds of New York, and have enjoyed the excitement of what may have been the most monumental visit of heads of state in quite a while.
Never a dull moment in the city that never sleeps.